Student Volunteers
Students who wish to be volunteers in the program, please download an application and mail it to the address found on it. If you have questions or would like more information, you may email us at contactusypcaw@gmail.com.
Please note: This is a 12 week program. Please do not commit to volunteering unless you can commit to the entire program year. While we understand things come up, excessive absences put a strain on our volunteer resources. If you are unable to come in, you can call or text 516-361-3383 or let us know when you sign in.
Assignments will be sent via email before the program starts. We will try to accommodate all requests, but we cannot guarantee everyone will get exactly what they want.
Volunteer Guidelines
Please be on time. Plan on getting to Ames about 10 -15 minutes early to allow time to sign in and help your teacher set up.
You must sign in, otherwise you will not get credit for the hours you are there.
Sign in upon arrival for all the hours you will be staying. To get credit for attendance you must sign in. A letter with the total number of hours you have volunteered will be emailed home to you a few weeks after the program ends.
Volunteers must go to the class that you are assigned. We reserve the right to change volunteer assignments if necessary.
Teacher assistants are expected to:
Help with set up and clean up as needed
Help during the lesson
Escort children to the bathroom
Transfer students to the next class if necessary
Stay in the classroom throughout the assigned hour unless given permission to leave by the teacher
No electronics should be used by volunteers during their assigned hours. Cell phones should be put away during class unless there is an emergency.
Dress appropriately to be around young children. Be aware that you may need to move around in classes or get dirty helping with some projects.
Remember that you are helpers, not students. You may not work on any of the projects that the class is working on unless permission is given to you by the teacher.
Respect the classrooms and the building. Do not touch anything that is not part of the program. We are guests in the building.
SNOW CANCELLATION INFORMATION: Call 516-430-0688 or check here.
DO NOT CALL THE SCHOOL OFFICE FOR INFORMATION. They do not have any information about our program.